Not driving in enough traffic on your website?

Confused as to what you’re doing wrong?

In today’s digital marketplace, the development and maintenance of your website is crucial – it should be a priority in all business strategies.

Allow us to explain 10 extremely important elements of a website which are often forgotten, costing you customers!

Easy navigation

Put yourself in a prospective customer’s shoes – when looking at your website, how easy is it to understand the services your business provides? Is it clear how a consumer would benefit from these services?

You can have the snazziest, most high-tech website around, but if it’s difficult to navigate around you might as well not bother!

Customers need to understand how your website works, it needs to be practical and convenient.

Less can be more!

Contact information

This sounds unbelievably obvious, but you’d be surprised how often companies make it unnecessarily difficult to locate their contact details!

This is arguably the most basic and important element of your website – make it clear! This could involve creating a ‘Contact Form’ page or having a ‘Contact Details’ section on the menu page.

Top Tip: make it possible for visitors to copy and paste your email address/ phone number directly from the site!

Mobile-responsive design

Having a website which is mobile-responsive is unbelievably important in today’s online culture.

A few years ago, it was only necessary for a website to be responsive on a desktop – however with Smartphones and Tablets becoming increasingly popular, this is no longer the case!

A professional web-designer, such as Tigerfish, is specialised in making your site responsive on all platforms.

Strong SEO

It is optimistic to assume all traffic on your website will come from people typing your site address directly into their web bar.

It’s more likely that prospective customers will search relevant key words into a search engine (e.g. Google) and click on the first site that comes up – but what if your site doesn’t appear until the second page?

This is when Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) comes in.

SEO specialists know how to promote your site, making it more likely that you will be in the top-ranked pages and therefore bringing in more new customers!

Tigerfish can help you harness as much traffic to your site as possible, enticing your audience to engage with a sign up, a landing page offer, product purchase, or any other call to action. All these activities contribute to improving your Search Engine Ranking as part of the SEO programme Tigerfish offer.

Fresh content

If the content on your website isn’t up-to-date it can confuse customers and give the impression you are negligent.

Making sure all contact information, pricing and other information is correct needs to be a priority, demonstrating a proactive attitude to business.

Social media

In today’s online culture, the that impact social media marketing has on a business’s success is becoming increasingly significant.

Social media provides a fantastic platform to increase your site’s traffic, improve your SEO rankings and build your brand’s reputation.

By providing links to your social media channels on your website you should see an increase in followers, spreading your message further!

Fresh, crisp design

First impressions count, and often this is your website’s design – you don’t want it to be outdated, messy or unstylish.

A web agency will know how to design your site specific to your business – whether it needs to be sleek, professional, fun or edgy.

Calls To Action buttons

Following on from easy navigation, clear Calls to Action are essential to show visitors how your website works.

A professional web-designer will know which size, position and colour of CTA button works best on each website, making your customers’ online experience as seamless as possible.

Testimonials/ reviews

These days, few customers will purchase a product/service without reading reviews or recommendations first.

Testimonials from previous clients are an essential and fundamental element of every successful website.

Top Tip: fake reviews are often obvious – make sure they are legitimate and accurate!

A blog

Blogs are a fantastic way to communicate news, opinions or relevant information to your consumers.

They give you the opportunity to share engaging content every day, creating a more relaxed conversation between you and your clients. 

Top Tip: Share these blogs on your social media channels to drive in more traffic.

If your website is missing any of these key elements and you feel it could benefit from a bit of ‘TLC’, contact Tigerfish:



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