Our Top 5 WordPress Plugins

At Tigerfish we love WordPress and in recent months most of our projects have been WordPress based projects. This week we would like to share with your our top 5 WordPress plugins, These plugins are installed on nearly every WordPress site we develop. 5. Akismet This...

A week in the life of the Tigerfish team

So, another week comes to an end and as the Cheltenham Festival buzzes away in the background, the Tigerfish team have been busy bees themselves. The festival is always a really interesting time for Cheltenham, with all the different kinds of people it brings along to...

Book Of The Month

Design the Life you Love Ayse Birsel A delightful book that was written and illustrated by a designer who ingeniously applied the same principles she used in her product design work to rethink how she lived her life. This is a step by step guide revealing how she did...

Targeted Publications

The customer publishing field raises many questions about how brands talk to customers and what format that conversation takes. It is clear that major brands still – even in this digital age – see the value of producing catalogues and magazines, there are many...